こんにちは! 日本でアーティストとして活動しているマスブチミナコといいます🐤神奈川県在住で、アート制作をしながら、デザインやイラスト、グラフィックレコーディングなど広くビジュアル制作に携わっています。
Hello! I’m Minako Masubuchi, an artist based in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.🐤 I create artwork by myself. Additionally, I do design, illustration, graphic recording, and more for clients who need my expertise.
In the 1990s, when I was a junior high school student, I built my website. My passion for connecting with others through my creations continues to this day.
I am fluent in Japanese (native) and speak English and French at an intermediate level. I’m also passionate about languages.
おみせやさん ( omiseyasan-conbu ) | Online shopping for original items ∞ SUZURI
2007 創形美術学校 / Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design